Automata – Infra Create Stable Infrastructure Components For Deployment Of Various Microservices


The Client is a $5 Billion retailer that operates its stores in Canada, the United States and parts of Europe including Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.


In the era of Cloud Computing, to sustain the increasing demand from market, the client had to contemplate whether
  • Microservices over Monolithic application
  • Expected low Deployment turnaround time
  • Need for Continuous Deployment Time to market
  • Time to market


Automata-Infra framework facilitates for creating a stable infrastructure. It provides the ability to create environments like Redis, Nat, My SQL, MONGO DB and Jenkins. It customizes different components as per requirement, takes cares of necessary parameter values, prompts the user to enter correct data and maintains all activity data performed by the user.

It enables the operation team to create infrastructure components easily as per their requirements via UI. The current version 1.0.0 provides various functionalities like

Metadata Update

Helps to get the live compliance reports/list based on environment and zone. If any kind of non-compliance list is present, there is provision in UI to update the metadata to make it compliant.

GKE Cluster Creation

Create GKE clusters with the few basic configurations (cluster names, minimal nodes, machine type, disc size) via drag and dropping of YAML or Manually Filing form.

GKE Live Migration

Supports GKE Live Migration at a click of a button. There is provision for migration from a lower version of cluster to higher version of cluster. The Automata Infra UI provides the option to choose “From Cluster”- “To Cluster” for Live Migration and also has provisioning of the pre-view of clusters before live migration.

Image Patching

It is the process of creating an image from the base image and using the new image to create VMs either in the same or different regions.
It is process of securing an environment against vulnerability, O.S changes and compliances. Every month Red-hat releases the patches and based on requirements we perform Image Patching. The compliance reports every month ensures the application is compliant with the latest image.


The client was able to reduce the manual intervention and also ensure security and throughput in the deployment of various microservices in their processes.

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